
If you wish to schedule an opportunity to explore possibilities with Dr. Jacobs please contact her through this link. She will be happy to go into detail on any of your questions regarding the focus areas for services listed below and the types of services she can provide.

Type of Service: On-site and Virtual 
Work Sessions 
Seminars/ Webinars
Strategic Planning Sessions 
Feedback and editing on Curriculum Maps or Storyboards 
Innovative Design Labs for Cohort Groups 
Coaching session with individuals or small groups 
Focus Area for Services 
Curriculum Design Projects
Curriculum Mapping System Wide
Streamlining the Curriculum 
Modernizing Curriculum and Assessment
Developing Authentic Assessments and Feedback systems 
Modern Ecosystem: Schedules, Learning Spaces, Grouping of student and teachers
Engaging the Community in Strategic Plans for the Future 
Revitalizing Professional Development 
Active Literacy Across the Curriculum 
Developing Media and Digital Literacy 

Workshops: Dr. Jacobs is noted for conducting practical and engaging workshops. Participants in her workshops cite the active, hands-on approach that she takes tailored to the needs of your specific learning setting.

Keynotes: Dynamic presentations employing digital and media tools are a feature of Dr. Jacobs’ services. She hopes to inspire and to engage participants in mission driven work that will bring out the best in our professional practice.

Work sessions: A productive session and a coaching opportunity for teachers and administrators is critical to creating products and solutions. Dr. Jacobs rolls up her sleeves and assists educators on developing their projects and plans with guided feedback.

Seminars/ Webinars: Designed to engage a group in exploring a topic of interest or to address a current issue or problem, Dr. Jacobs will share her years of experiences to organize and interactive and stimulating session or series for a school or organization (Seminars are on-site / Webinars are online).

Developing Strategic Plans both Short and Long Term: Dr. Jacobs provides assistance in developing comprehensive strategic plans. Usually she works with your leadership team to clarify goals and then coach them through the process of developing a professional development plan that includes the training needed for successful implementation. Schools with clearly stated goals and “game plan” have found they are more focused and more productive. This service is customized for an individual school or system.

Reviewing, Editing, and Feedback Services: These services are offered by Dr Jacobs for examining drafts of curriculum maps, specific units, or storyboards to ensure the highest quality.

Coaching to Build Capacity: The role, whether it is building the capacity to lead initiatives on the part of school or district leadership or the capacity to create and design quality curriculum and learning experience, Dr. Jacobs believes in the power of coaching partnerships. This service is customized for an individual school or system and includes: onsite training, virtual coaching, and/or targeted web sessions.

Innovation Design Labs for Cohort Groups: Whether it is a professional organization or network that is nation, state or provincial or a school district, Dr. Jacobs has experience in setting up innovation projects using design thinking with participating cohort groups. Using both onsite and virtual learning opportunities, participating groups in a cohort can learn from proposals and projects in a highly creative and practical environment.